Dell Pro 2K Webcam pays homage to the Apple iSight camera

Keeping you looking good (as good as possible, at least)

It seems almost too easy to become a streamer these days! If you are trying to dabble in the field, perhaps with your own streaming setup, you are going to need a decent camera to capture the true beauty of your visage as you hurl insults at your opponents. Now, as a beginner in the field, you may not want to spend all your bucks on a 4K webcam, so it might be wise to start off with the likes of Dell’s Pro 2K Webcam.

Dell’s latest webcam packs in all the same iSight vibes as before. Built around a 2K sensor, the cam comes backed by some new software enhancements to improve Zoom calls. The camera itself is a 2560 x 1440 sensor, backed by an F/2.0 lens. It has a built-in microphone array and comes with a stand built right into the cylindrical design. It can work on its own but also has a threaded insert for resting on tripods and any other gear. Unfortunately, the cam has a USB-A instead of USB-C (but that’s another reason it is so much cheaper than its predecessor).

The real standout to any Apple-trained eye has got to be the barrel-shaped design of the cam, which closely resembles the iSight cam from the early 2000s. The exterior is a bit more polished, to keep up with the fast-changing times, but the build remains authentic.

On the feature front, you get the functionality you’d expect to see in a webcam of this level, with the sensor being backed by Digital Overlap HDR. There is also a feature for noise reduction to help reduce blurry feeds in low-light scenarios, as well as facial detection with AI-based auto framing. The Dell Pro 2K is more affordable than the 4K counterpart and is priced at $135 (₹10,700 approx.) So now that you know what you need, you can put your skills to the test and become a professional streamer, or you can just use it for better quality Zoom calls (which don't seem to be leaving any time soon).