Vivo has launched the V40 and V40 Pro smartphones in India, with prices starting at Rs. 34,999 for the V40 and Rs. 49,999 for the V40 Pro. The new V-series smartphones, pitches as Vivo's camera-focused options in the mid-range and mid-premium segments, are now available for pre-booking on the company's online store, with sales expected to commence on August 13 for the V40 Pro and August 19 for the V40. The Vivo V40 and V40 Pro are both 5G enabled, and are available in various colours and variants based on RAM and internal storage.
The Vivo V40 Pro is powered by the MediaTek Dimensity 9200+ chipset, while the Vivo V40 runs on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 SoC. Both devices get Zeiss-branded rear camera setups, along with 5,500mAh batteries and 80W wired fast charging.Both devices also run on Android 14, with the FunTouch 14 user interface on top.
Apart from the difference in processors, the Vivo V40 gets a dual-camera setup at the back, while the V40 Pro gets a triple-camera setup. The V40 gets a 50-megapixel primary sensor and 50-megapixel wide-angle sensor, while the V40 Pro gets both of those as well as a 50-megapixel telephoto sensor.
Usefully, both smartphones also feature the 'aura light' soft flash, which helps provide soft illumination for close-up portrait shots. The Zeiss portrait modes seen on various Vivo smartphones including the Vivo V30 Pro are present on the V40 series as well. The presence of the telephoto sensor on the Vivo V40 Pro allows for telephoto portrait shots, providing a bit more control and focus on the subject matter.
Both smartphones get up to 12GB RAM and 512GB of internal storage on the highest variants, priced at Rs. 41,999 on the Vivo V40, and Rs. 55,999 on the Vivo V40 Pro. The smartphones will be available widely, both online and offline, once launched on August 13 and August 19 respectively.