At the Made by Google event, alongside the Pixel 9 series and the Pixel 9 Pro Fold, Google has unveiled its new Pixel Watch 3 series. This time, the Pixel Watch 3 offers two sizes – 41mm and 45mm, expanding beyond the single size option of its predecessor. The Pixel Watch 3 Wi-Fi (41mm) is priced at ₹39,900, while the Pixel Watch 3 Wi-Fi (45mm) comes in at ₹43,900.
The Pixel Watch 3 sticks with the familiar circular dial design seen in earlier models but is now crafted from 100% recycled aluminium. Google also claims it has trimmed the bezels by over 16% compared to the Pixel Watch 2, resulting in a 10% larger display on the 41mm model and a 40% larger display on the 45mm version.
Both the models come with new Actua Displays that can shine up to twice as bright as last year’s version. They reach a peak brightness of 2000 nits and can dim to as low as 1 nit in always-on display mode. The display also dynamically adjusts its refresh rate from 1 to 60Hz depending on what you're doing.
It also brings a host of new features for tracking your fitness. It now delivers a “comprehensive running experience,” allowing you to customise your running sessions with timed warm-ups and cooldowns. You can set targets for pace, heart rate, time, and distance, with the watch sending alerts if you fall short of your goals. Additionally, a new running dashboard in the Fitbit app consolidates all your running data in one place, giving you a clear overview of your performance.
The Pixel Watch 3 introduces other new features, including Cardio Load tracking and an enhanced Readiness Score. Cardio Load helps you monitor how hard your heart is working throughout the day, giving you insights into your exertion levels and how they correlate with your workout routine. The updated Readiness Score evaluates your sleep, resting heart rate, and heart rate variability to let you know if you’re training too hard or not enough.
Another addition is the Morning Brief feature, which gives you a daily health and fitness summary. It covers everything from your sleep quality and progress on weekly goals to weather forecasts, providing a quick snapshot of your day ahead.
Google states the new Google Pixel Watch 3 offers a 24-hour battery life with the always-on display, which can be extended up to 36 hours with Battery Saver mode. Additionally, the smartwatch automatically enters Battery Saver mode at 15 percent battery and activates Bedtime mode when it detects sleep. These features help to extend battery life. Regarding charging speed, the 41mm model charges 20 percent faster than the Pixel Watch 2 of the same size, as per Google.