The Mahindra XUV 3XO has been launched in India, with pricing starting at Rs. 7.49 lakh (ex-showroom). The new compact SUV comes with an aggressive design and decidedly SUV-like stance, complete with high ground clearance and impressive figures for power and torque. Available in three engine variants - two petrol and one diesel - the Mahindra XUV 3XO also comes with both manual and automatic transmission options. The new car from Mahindra will be open for bookings later this month, and is the successor to the XUV 300.
For the tech geeks, there are some interesting additions as well, including twin HD screens, wireless Android Auto and Apple CarPlay, and built-in Amazon Alexa voice assistant. You can also fast charge your devices in the car, with support for 65W USB Type-C charging. Some variants will also get a fully-kitted Harman Kardon audio system, complete with an amplifier and subwoofer.
On the safety and automation front, the Mahindra XUV 3XO comes with Level 2 ADAS with 10 features covering safety and driving assists. The 'Skyroof' sunroof is touted to be the largest in its class, further adding to the appeal for buyers looking at premium features. At just under four metres long, the XUV 3XO also promises excellent comfort at both the front and the back, along with plenty of boot space.