The OnePlus Nord CE4 has been launched in India, with prices starting at Rs. 24,999 for the 8GB RAM + 128GB storage variant, and going up to Rs. 26,999 for the 8GB RAM + 256GB storage version. The new smartphone is powered by the Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 processor, making it among the most affordable smartphones right now with the current-generation mid-range chipset from Qualcomm. The successor to the OnePlus Nord CE3, the CE4 - or 'Core Edition' 4 - delivers mid-range capabilities and hardware at under Rs. 30,000, while sticking to the OnePlus formula. You can buy it starting April 4 on Amazon,, and select offline stores.
It's not too shabby a smartphone for the price when it comes to specifications, too. You get 8GB of LPDDR4X RAM, up to 256GB of UFS 3.1 storage, a 5,500mAh battery, and 100W wired charging - with the right charger included in the box. There's also a 6.7-inch full-HD+ (2412x1080-pixel) 120Hz AMOLED display, a dual-camera setup at the back, and rather surprisingly, expandable storage with support for up to 1TB memory cards.
It's also quite a looker, especially if you get the OnePlus Nord CE4 in the new Celadon Marble colour variant. With hints of green and an expectedly marble-like pattern at the back, the phone pulls off looking a fair bit fancier than the price would suggest. Of course, there's also OxygenOS 14 (based on Android 14) running the smartphone. It's a fairly well-equipped package for the price going by the specifications and features. Don't worry, we're already hard at work on the review.