The Sony Bravia Theatre Quad has been launched in India, priced at Rs. 1,99,990. The new flagship home theatre system is the successor to the popular and rather convenient Sony HT-A9, and is part of the brand's new approach to product naming and branding, similar to the approach now being followed for Sony's new lineup of televisions. The Bravia Theatre Quad is, as the name suggests, a four-speaker home theatre system that promises to punch way above its weight.
At the core of the system, the Sony Bravia Theatre Quad is a set of four flat speakers which can be wall mounted or stand mounted on a counter top. The wireless speakers are controlled by a single, compact control unit which connects to your source devices, such as televisions, streaming devices, and home theatre amplifiers. The Bravia Theatre Quad supports various audio formats up to Dolby Atmos, DTS:X, 360 Reality Audio, and Hi-Res Audio Wireless, as well as passthrough for Dolby Vision, 4K-120, and 8K HDR.
Usefully, you can also connect the Sony Bravia Theatre Quad to compatible Sony audio products such as soundbars and subwoofers, which will help in putting together a proper surrouns sound home theatre system based on wireless connectivity and convenience all around. You also get Bluetooth and Wi-Fi connectivity, 360 spatial sound mapping based on your room arrangement, and compatibility with Spotify Connect and Apple AirPlay.