Xiaomi has dropped its X Pro QLED series in India, and it looks quite promising. You’ve got options with 43-inch, 55-inch, and 65-inch 4K displays. The high-end models pack Xiaomi's Vivid Picture Engine and support for HDR10. Plus, the tellies come with 30W speakers featuring Dolby Audio for that killer sound.
The TVs have Xiaomi's Vivid Picture Engine 2 and Dolby Vision. The design is sleek, too, with narrow bezels, an aluminium finish, and a stylish stand. All the models run on Google TV with Xiaomi's Patchwall UI. Plus, they’ve got built-in Google Chromecast and Miracast for easy content sharing from your phone or tablet.
The audio setup is impressive too—30W dual speakers with Dolby Audio, DTS:X, and DTS Virtual technology. Plus, you’ll find two USB 2.0 ports, three HDMI ports, and Google Assistant built right in. The Xiaomi X Pro QLED series in India starts at ₹34,999 for the 43-inch model. The 55-inch version comes in at ₹49,999, and if you're looking for the big 65-inch screen, it’ll set you back ₹69,999.