At its Let Loose event, Apple unveiled not only the new iPad Pro M4 and iPad Air M2 but also introduced the Pencil Pro. This third-generation stylus marks Apple's first Pro-branded pencil. Designed for use with the M2 iPad Air and M4 iPad Pro models, it features new squeeze gestures, dedicated hardware for haptic feedback, and Find My support for those prone to misplacing their stylus.
The Pencil Pro features a new sensor in its barrel that detects your squeeze, bringing up a tool palette for switching tools, line weights, and colours. It includes a gyroscope for precise control, allowing you to roll the stylus for better tool manipulation. Rotating the barrel changes the orientation of shaped pen and brush tools, mimicking the feel of using pen and paper.
While it lacks a USB-C port, like the recently unveiled entry-level model, the Apple Pencil Pro can magnetically attach to an iPad Air or iPad Pro for easy storage and wireless charging. The Apple Pencil Pro starts at ₹11,900.